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Category: Brain Injuries

Can Sports Cause Traumatic Brain Injuries?

The country is reeling after a recent shooting in South Carolina left six dead, including two children. Even more shocking is that the killer is former NFL player Phillip Adams, a 32-year old athlete who left the league about five years ago. It is unclear why Adams would commit such a senseless crime, mainly because it appears that he does not have a meaningful connection to the victims. In an interview after the shooting, Adams’ father said he suspected that playing football for so many years might have been what caused Adams to act this way. According to the elder Adams, such a crime was totally out of character for his son, and he had suffered extensive brain injuries from concussions over the years. Unfortunately, traumatic brain injuries are becoming more and more common. In a city like Los Angeles, where there are several professional teams, they are becoming more…

What You Need to Know About Sports-Related Brain Injuries

Sports-related brain injuries are some of the most widespread and unreported injuries affecting children and adults today. It’s estimated that 214 million children and adults play some type of sport in the U.S., increasing the chances for significant injury on a widespread level among the population. While playing sports certainly does have a strong impact on the social and emotional health and well-being of those who engage, it is certainly worth noting that the risk of injury is also substantial.  In recent years, celebrity football players have drawn awareness to the incidence of traumatic brain injury in athletes, as they have increasingly faced significant trauma due to their injuries. Sports-related traumatic brain injuries are believed to account for up to 20 percent of all brain injuries occurring in the U.S. today. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that nearly three million people receive treatment for traumatic brain injuries…