Drugged Driving Accidents
Drivers operating under the influence of drugs cause serious accidents and injuries on American roadways each year. Drug impairment while driving, especially when used in combination with alcohol, can cause significant driver impairment. Additionally, some prescription and over the counter medications can also cause driver impairment especially where those drugs cause a driver to be drowsy. If you or a loved were injured in a car accident by a driver who was under the influence of drugs (illegal or prescription) a drugged driving accident lawyer at Banafshe Law Firm, PC can explain your legal rights and advocate on your behalf to obtain the compensation you deserve for the injuries you sustained from an accident caused by a drug impaired driver.
Some legally prescribed drugs can impair drivers just as much as illicit drugs. Some examples of legally obtained drugs that can significantly impair driving include: antidepressants, antihistamines, hydrocodone, and sleeping pills, among others. Where a substance, such as a legally prescribed or over the counter drug, causes a driver to lose normal functioning of his or her mental and physical faculties, the driver is impaired. Impaired drivers may be held civilly, and in some situations, criminally responsible for operating a motor vehicle even if impaired by a prescribed or over the counter drug, especially when an accident occurs and people are injured as a result.
Unfortunately, sometimes drugged driving leads to fatalities. Below are some statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) regarding fatal accidents involving drugged drivers in a report by NHTSA from 2005-2009:
Driving under the influence of drugs, even prescription drugs, can seriously impair a driver’s faculties that are needed to operate a vehicle safely. Some common faculties that may become impaired when a driver ingests drugs include, but are not limited to:
Drivers who have impaired faculties, such as those listed above, can cause severe accidents and injuries to others on the roadway. A DUI drugs accident lawyer at Banafshe Law Firm, PC can help you or a loved one injured by an impaired driver.
Were you seriously injured by a driver who was under the influence of drugs while operating a motor vehicle? If so, a drugged driving accident lawyer at Banafshe Law Firm, PC can help. Contact our office today for a free legal consultation. You can reach us 24/7 by calling 800-789-8840 or by completing our online form.
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