Road Hazards
Dealing with local traffic is enough of a concern without worrying about the road’s condition. While we might not have to deal with snow and ice, various other road hazards can present accident risks. Each year, numerous accidents result from hazardous road conditions and our attorneys are here to assist victims.
If you have been injured in an auto accident caused by a road hazard, you may be entitled to financial compensation under California law. Depending upon the circumstances involved, you could have a claim against:
There are two primary grounds for seeking financial compensation after an auto accident caused by a road hazard. The first of these grounds is negligence. If the government agency or contractor responsible for building the road was negligent in doing so, then this is one example of a situation in which you may be entitled to financial recovery. Other examples include negligent road maintenance, negligent failure to keep construction debris out of lanes of travel, negligent road design, and careless driving by other motorists who encounter road hazards.
The second of these grounds is what is known as “strict liability.” Under California law, product manufacturers can be held strictly liable when defects in their products lead to accidents. In cases governed by strict liability law, proof of negligence is not required to secure a financial recovery.
Many different types of road hazards can support claims for negligence, strict liability or both. Some of the most common examples include:
Regardless of the specific issue involved, if you have been involved in an auto accident in and believe that a road hazard may have been a factor in the collision, you owe it to yourself to consult with an attorney about your legal rights. Notably, while you may be entitled to significant financial compensation, you may also need to file a “notice of claim” promptly to preserve your legal rights if you have a claim against a state or local government agency.
If you have been hurt in an auto accident, we encourage you to contact us promptly for a free, no-obligation consultation about your legal rights. To discuss your case with one of our experienced attorneys in confidence, call 800-789-8840 or tell us about your accident online now.
" Excellent and honest attorney! I highly recommend!"
Miriam Cohen
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